The potential for rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings.

woman Louise seated hands prayer above head riverbank
woman Louise feet base of tree and ground legs only

A place to come together and be renewed.

woman Louise leaning back against tree wistful hand by neck

A deep intention and desire to serve led to the creation of Sacred Vortex. This offering is a space for initiation, transformation, and growth open to all. Teaching that although you may occasionally need a guiding hand, you already have the power within yourself to change your energy and change your life.

Sacred Vortex seeks to help you access the power within yourself and use it to create your own reality.

It is a place of refuge and nurture, where you can journey towards physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Hey, I’m Louise.

Louise profile image facing camera


My deepest desire is to be loved, seen, and accepted. I feel like I am not alone here. Is it the same for you? What I have learnt is that it starts with you. You need to love, see, and accept yourself first, which means sitting with what is uncomfortable and witnessing the shadow and the light.

I have had a lifetime of seeking answers, just like in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (one of the first spiritual books I ever read), I was looking outside of myself. Now I know that it is the journey inward where the magic truly happens.

 The benefit, however, of all the ‘seeking’ means I have tools and knowledge now translated into wisdom that I can share with you. Whilst I do not have all the answers, what I do have deserves to be gifted to as many who are open to receive it.

I hope to see you on the spiral path soon.

 By the way, you can call me Lu.

With Love and Blessings.

Sacred Vortex is a convergence of uplifting and powerful energy, a spaciousness created for unfolding and remembering.

This symbol captures the duality of fragility and strength, reminding us we are both impermanent and powerful in our transformation. Showing us that life can be both gentle and chaotic. Encouraging us to step forward with courage and grace in our lives.

symbol impermanence


Embrace the beauty of impermanence and the power of potential.

Symbol connection


Remember we are all connected to each other and the universe.

symbol transformation


Understand impermanence and connection for true transformation.

Our Values


Infused for all


Mutual and understanding


At heart


From the highest source

A few things you should know about meâ€Ķ

back of woman drumming at river side

I am all about cats

To be fair, I love all nature and all animals. But the connection I have with cats goes way beyond! Cat Lady is an aspiration, not a derogatory judgement.

woman Louise hugging tree smiling

Lineages are important to me

Deep consideration of lineages has preceded the selection of all my teachers and training. All come from respect, integrity, and truth.

woman Louise gazing down river background left side profile

Kindness is my genius zone

I feel so deeply for the suffering of others, I simply want everyone to know and believe that they are loved, seen, and accepted.

woman Louise back view walking along riverside arms out wide

Causing harm is my biggest fear

I have a tenderness in my heart that wishes only the highest and best for all that I encounter, and I feel deep sorrow for those times when I get it wrong.

Here’s how we can work together

Sacred Edge

Watch these short videos to learn about me, Sacred Vortex and gain insights that could guide you closer to living your best life.

Sacred Offerings

Transform your relationship with anxiety and depression. Explore Sacred Insight, Courage and Coherence.

Sacred Meditation

Receive two free meditations recordings to help guide your daily practice at home, by signing up to the mailing list.

Interested in stepping into the Sacred Vortex?

There are so many ways that I can support you. The easiest first step to make is booking a 30-minute free consultation to see what you will best serve you.

Training, lineage and teachers